
Friday, October 18, 2013

Awesome Things Happening in NYC

Sorry this entry is rather short -it's hard to be in two operas running in rep, working, and auditioning, but there is awesomeness happening this weekend and I thought you should know about it!:)

If you're walking through the Village - visit the Jefferson Market Garden Festival - they will have pumpkins and Halloween crafts!

FIND A BANKSY!  Accalimed and elusive street artist Banksy is engaged in a monthlong "residency" here in New York City.  Every day he created and unveils a new piece of street art.  After he completes his masterpiece, he posts abut it on residencies official website.  Some pieces are even accompanied by audio guides.

Visit a haunted house!  No one does extravagant haunted houses like NYC!

Visit the South Street Seaport for their Fall Festival.  Gone are the summer days of lobster rolls and Smorgasbar slushies, but never mind, giant pretzels, bratwurst, and beer have taken their place!

HONK!  And extravaganza of global street music!

Also  - I will soon be moving this blog over to a wordpress page.  I also need a new name for the blog so any and all ideas are welcome!  Let me know!:)

And here's a beautiful photo of the seaport taken from a boat on this perfect afternoon!  

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