It's the most traumatizing day of the year! SANTACON was yesterday, traumatizing good little boys and girls the world over. Adults dress up like Santa and go huge drinking binging. Sure, the official website says some SantaCon events are for children/kid friendly, and ask that Santa does not make children cry - but this does seem to be what happens in reality. In New York at least, rowdy barely legals dress up as various winter characters and get so drunk they are already puking in the street by 10:30 a.m. It really captures the holiday spirit. And I definitely saw children crying as a crazy group of Santa and elves drunkenly sang Feliz Navidad. In NYC authorities tried to shut SantaCon down this year, but as we all now, the Grinch cannot steal Christmas. The one rule was Santas were not allowed to wear fake beards INSIDE of bars. At any rate, here are photos I took of Santas from SantaCon braving the blizzards and the East Village. My favorite is the Hasidic Jewish Santa...
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