
Saturday, June 29, 2013

11 tallest buildings.

I'm on vacation and was out chasing sea turtle all day so please forgive me if this is a cop-out of a blog - but I think it's interesting and important.  It's merely a list of the 11 tallest buildings in NYC!:)

1-One World Trade Center  - 1776 feet
2-Empire State Building - 1250feet
3-Bank of America Tower  -1200 feet
4-Chrysler Building - 1,046 feet
5-New York Times Building - 1,046 feet.
6-One57 - 1,004
7-Four World Trade Center - 977
8-70 Pine Street - 952 feet.
9-The Trump Building - 927 feet.
10-Citigroup Center - 915 feet.
11-8 Spruce St. - 876 feet.

In case you were wondering why I chose 11 and not 10 - it's because I wanted to include 8 Spruce Street  - which is also known as "New York by Gehry" because I've come to love the bizarre yet beautiful design of that building.  I'm simply showing it some love by making my list the top 11. :)

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