
Saturday, June 8, 2013

Library Way

If you walk up the New York Public Library via 41 street, you will be walking down a delightful road known as "Library Way."

Before it was "Library Way" it was a delivery entrance, with little to write home about.  (In fact, you might want to avoid the area entirely since it was near the then "sketchy" epicenter of NYC - Bryant Park.  How things change.)  One of the reasons things changed on "Library Way" was due to the "Grand Central Partnership."  In their own words:

Since the mid-1980s the Grand Central Partnership has been providing supplemental services within one of the largest business improvement districts in the world.  We work every day to ensure that our Midtown Manhattan neighborhood remains the world’s most desirable business address and a vibrant destination for shopping, dining, nightlife, and tourism.

In the 90s one of their projects was cleaning up 41st Street between Fifth and Park Avenue and putting in a promenade with 96 bronze plaques containing various quotes from literature.  You can see all 96 plaques here:

Or you can look at this marvelous collage I made of photos I took myself on my iPhone!  ENJOY!

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